Narcisismo e TFP

Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Diagnostic and Clinical Challenges.
Caligor et al., 2014.


An overview of the treatment of severe Narcissistic Pathology.
Kernberg 2014.


Attachment and object relations in patients with Narcissistic Personality Disorder: implications for therapeutic process and outcome.
Diamond 2013.
(pubblicato tradotto in italiano nella prima edizione del manuale: “Psicoterapia Psicodinamica dei Disturbi di Personalità: un approccio basato sulle relazioni oggettuali”)


Psychodynamic Psychoterapy for Narcissistic Personality.
Diamond D., et al., 2010.
(full text) file:///C:/Users/Francesco/Downloads/Diamond-%20D.%20et%20al.%20-unknown-.%20Psychodynamic%20Psychotherapy%20for%20Narcissistic%20Personality.pdf


Narcisisstic Personality Disorder in Childhood.
Kernberg P.F., 1989

TFP teoria e clinica

Neurobiological correlates of object relations theory: The relationship between neurobiological and psychodynamic development.
Kernberg 2015.
(full text)


Transference, Transference Interpretations, and Transference-Focused Psychotherapies.
Levy et al., 2012.


Transference focused psychotherapy: Overview and update.
Kernberg O., et al., 2008.
(full text)

Transference-Focused Psychotherapy Training During Residency: An Aide to Learning Psychodynamic Psychotherapy.
Bernstein et al., 2015.


Using Transference-Focused Psychotherapy Principles in the Pharmacotherapy of Patients with Severe Personality Disorders.
Hersh 2015.


Transference-focused psychotherapy in the general psychiatry residency: an useful and aplicable model for resident in acute clinical setting. Zerbo et al., 2013. (full-text)

Disturbi di personalitą in generale

Classification, assessment, prevalence, and eff ect of Personality Disorder.
Newton-Howes et. al., 2015


Personality Disorder across the life course.
Newton-Howes et al 2015.


Treatment of Personality Disorder.
Bateman et al., 2015.


Borderline Personality Bisorder, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, and Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Practical differential diagnosis.
Kernberg O.F., Yeomans F.E., 2013.


The concept of the death drive: a clinical perspective.
Kernberg O., 2009.

TFP per pazienti borderline

Treatment approaches for Borderline Personality Disorder.
Yeomans F., et al., 2012.
(full text)


The interpretive process in the psychoanalytic psychotherapy of borderline personality pathology.
Caligor E., 2009.
(pubblicato tradotto in italiano nella prima edizione del manuale: “Psicoterapia Psicodinamica dei Disturbi di Personalità: un approccio basato sulle relazioni oggettuali”)


Mentalization and attachment in borderline patients in transference focused psychotherapy.
Kernberg O.F., et al. 2008.
(Full text)


Alternative perspectives on psychodynamic psychotherapy of borderline personality disorder: the case of "Ellen".
Gunderson J.G., et al., 2007.


Relationship of Borderline Personality Disorder and Bipolar Disorder.
Stone M.H. 2006.
(full text)


Executive neurocognition, memory systems, and borderline personality disorder.
Fertuck E.A., et al., 2006.


When Social Inclusion Is Not Enough: Implicit Expectations of Extreme Inclusion in Borderline Personality Disorder.
De Panfilis et al., 2015.


Transference-focused psychotherapy for borderline personality disorder: change in reflective function.
Fisker-Kern et al., 2015.


Attachment and mentalization in female patients with comorbid narcissistic and borderline personality disorder.
Diamond D. et al., 2014.


The Efficacy of Psychotherapy: Focus on Psychodynamic Psychotherapy as an Example.
Levy et al 2014.


Two-year follow-up of borderline personality disorder patients in Italy: a preliminary report on prognosis and prediction of outcome.
De Panfilis C., et al., 2010.


Transference-focused psychotherapy reduces treatment drop-out and suicide attempters compared with community psychotherapist treatment in borderline personality disorder.
Levy K.M., 2010.
(full text)


Conflict begets conflict: executive control, mental state vacillations, and the therapeutic alliance in treatment of borderline personality disorder.
Levy K.N., et al., 2010.


Transference-focused psychotherapy v. treatment by community psychotherapists for Borderline Personality Disorder: randomised controlled trial.
Doering S., et al., 2010.


Refining the borderline personality disorder phenotype through finite mixture modeling: implications for classification.
Lenzenweger M. F., 2008.
(full text)


Failure of frontolimbic inhibitory function in the context of negative emotion in Borderline Personality Disorder.
Silbersweig D., 2007.


Psychotherapies and lasting change.
Levy K.N., 2008
(full text).


Psychotherapy for patients with borderline personality disorder: focusing on the mechanisms of change.
Clarkin J.F. & Levy K. N., 2006.


An approach to the psychobiology of personality disorders.
Posner M.I., et al., 2003.